Sunday, April 26, 2009

the incurable case of wanderlust

wanderlust [won-der-luhst]: n. An innate, very strong or irresistible impulse to rove or travel about.

I am deeply affected by this strong desire to travel. I have this yearning to see the world, to visit new places, to experience every place on the planet (not beyond, though, I don't think I'd like the spaceship ride).

I feel as though I've done a decent job, so far, in my adventures. I've made it to 7 countries (8 if you include my own - I don't). I've been to 5 out of 7 of the wonders of the world. Or at the very least, where they once stood, since only one remains in existence today.

And yet, those 7 different countries, those dozens of little (and not so little) towns, just haven't fulfilled my cravings to see the world. Every day my list gets longer; every day my map gets filled with more thumb tacs.

There's just too much to see.

Only not enough time.

Or money.

I stalk airline tickets, train tickets, and hotel rooms on a daily basis. I dream of the places I'll get to go. The people I'll meet. The things I'll get to see.

Sometimes I believe my life would be simpler if I did not have this strong, innate desire to travel and see the bounds of this world. It would be much cheaper, that's for sure.

But I cannot deny the longing inside me. The cravings for new, different places.

It's driven me as far as planning a solo trip to Europe this summer. On the menu are: DC, London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Brussels, and Bruges. In 12 whirlwind days.

People sometimes look at me as though I'm crazy for considering it. For flying halfway across the globe to see these places. To do it alone, as a single, young female. And I very well may be.

But the wanderlust just cannot be controlled.
After all, it is a strong, irresistible impulse.

One that cannot be ignored. One that must be listened to.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

from the beginning

the girl: I answer to Megan, Meg, or Megs. I will also answer to Stacey as I'm often mistaken for my best friend. Or at the very least her twin and/or sister. We look nothing alike.

Titles include (but are not limited to): daughter, sister, friend, traveller, bookworm, dreamer, Taurus, writer, wannabe-photographer, student, and slave to my crazy, 3 pound tabby cat named Sniglet. She's my sidekick and faithful companion.

I'm helpless in my need to be a do-gooder. Do-gooder [noun]: One that needs a career that serves the greater good and makes a difference in the world. That's why I chose psych for undergrad and why I'm getting my masters in nonprofit management. It's annoying, trust me. Plus, it makes decisions harder. Especially for an indecisive soul like myself.

These are a few of my favorite things: the color pink, the number 27, yellow tulips, and birds (obviously).

I believe that anything below 75 degrees is cold; I believe that life is what you make it; I believe in my firm liberal values; I believe that the scale is a torture device; And I believe that determination can get you just about anywhere.

I dislike bunnies, bridges, diets, the word 'supper', bad grammar, clowns, and scary movies.

And as well as liking obvious contradictions, I like lists, Diet Coke, Blistex, even numbers (except for 27, of course), and over-using parentheses.

the title: Derived from an Annie Lenox song, "Little Bird." Not only does it incorporate my fondness of birds, the lyrics also fit where I am at this stage in my life. Come August, I'm leaving the nest to move to a new city (that I've never been to) 3 hours from home to go to graduate school. I also hope to fly across the pond and travel to Europe this summer. Alone.

the purpose: I'm carving out this little piece of cyberspace as my own to write about my solo travels, my adventures in a new city, and my trials and tribulations as I fall out of the nest and learn to fly on my own.