Tuesday, October 27, 2009

i know a girl, she puts the color inside of my world.

i know a girl, she puts the color inside of my world

On a quick trip back to the homeland, I met with my very pregnant friend Lindsey to take some maternity pictures of her (she only asked me because I'm the one with the fanciest camera).

I've never done a photo shoot before, but it turned out great. It helps that Lindsey is very photogenic and thrilled about bringing this little girl into the world, so it comes across easily in every (all 275) picture I snapped.

Meet Lulu.

little lulu

Lauren (picked by yours truly) Elaine is due January 19th and I cannot wait to meet her.


The only payment I required? Feeling Lulu kick. Which was, hands down, one of the coolest things I've ever felt. It's pretty amazing thinking that a tiny little human is twirling and twisting inside of your best friend's stomach. And that in just a few months she'll be with us and grow into her own little person.


proud papahearts

The entire time I was with Lindsey, I kept repeating "I cannot believe you're really pregnant." She shared the same sentiment. It is just exciting and amazing to think that one of my best friends will be bringing a child into this world in a few short months, making me an [honoary] auntie.

happinesspreggo shadow

I am thrilled about little Lulu. My bank account however? Not so thrilled.


But who can resist cute baby girl shoes?

1 comment:

  1. you snapped some amazing pictures! nice work!
